
Dr. Weiss is known as a gentle practitioner of acupuncture. She has treated thousands by using The Balance Method, which she initially received training for at The Village Community Acupuncture clinic. Her focus is to calm the nervous system and increase circulation in specific areas to improve healing time of injuries, hormone imbalances, and digestive disturbances.

Clinical Nutrition
Dietary recommendations are often part of the treatment plan to ensure that patients are eating enough nutrients for mood, energy, and hormones. Dr. Weiss offers the Carroll Method evaluation for those who want to find out if they have any food intolerances contributing to their chronic health issues.

Craniosacral Therapy
This a relaxing light touch therapy with the purpose of regulating the nervous system. Dr. Weiss often recommends this type of therapy for children and sensitive adults.

Herbal Medicine
Customized herbal formulas are made in office to support different organ systems. The purpose is to stimulate the body to return to homeostasis and not to become dependent on.

Dr. Weiss has completed a two year classical homeopathy course from world-renowned homeopath and naturopath Dr. Paul Herscu. She incorporates it into her practice for those dealing with chronic health concerns that Western medicine has no answers for.

Dr. Weiss no longer offers in-house hydrotherapy treatments but instead sends patients home with handouts on how to use different applications of cold or hot water to promote faster recover.

Lifestyle Coaching & Counselling
Motivation and mental health are important aspects of wellness that are taken into consideration with treatment protocols. Dr. Weiss understands that everyone is different and she works with her patients on a plan that is specific for them.

Nutraceuticals and Supplements
Dr. Weiss may recommend the addition of supplements to speed up recovery and reduce symptoms but are only considered if the benefits cannot be achieved through one of the other services listed above.